Children and Adolescent Services
We provide a variety of services to all children ages birth through 18 based on their individual needs and are committed to focusing on the family’s needs as well. We serve children from the ages of birth to seventeen years of age for issues ranging from anxiety, depression, behavioral challenges, peer interaction concerns, transition issues, and more. We encourage all parents to come in for an assessment when issues first arise with their child or adolescent to see how we may be of assistance to you!
Infant Mental Health Services
For parents who are struggling with their children during the first three years of life, we have a therapist specifically trained to provide infant mental health services. You may see behaviors such as separation anxiety, eating/feeding difficulties, sleeping difficulties, anger and aggression, tantrums or fearfulness, etc.
Good mental health starts at birth with parents and other caregivers who are responsive, protective, and stable. But we know that life is not always perfect for parents! Although babies are cute and exciting, they also cause a shift in family dynamics. Thus, some moms or dads may develop mental health or physical health struggles that disrupt their ability to be as effective of caregivers as they would like to be. Infant mental health services will help you and your baby become confident, resilient, and better able to manage both yours and their emotions.
Early childhood mental health is the developing capacity of infants, toddlers, and young children to experience, manage, and express emotion; form close, secure relationships; and actively explore the environment and learn. Strong relationships matter for your baby’s brain, body and behavior!